A Week in the Life of a Work Experience Student

At Illuminance Solutions, we believe in fostering the next generation of talent by providing students with real-world experiences that prepare them for their careers. Last week, we had the pleasure of hosting Evie, a year 10 student from St George’s Anglican Grammar School, for a work placement that offered her a comprehensive glimpse into the professional world.

Evie’s week with us was filled with diverse experiences that showcased the multifaceted nature of our company. Her journey began with an introduction to the office environment, a crucial step in understanding the dynamics of a professional workplace. Evie spent time shadowing and assisting our administrators, gaining insights into the essential behind-the-scenes work that keeps our operations running smoothly. In the marketing department, Evie observed the creative processes, the technical management of websites and social media and the strategic planning that goes into promoting our services and products.


One of the highlights of Evie’s week was her time spent with Gabriel, one of our experienced software developers. Under Gabriel’s guidance, Evie learned how to use Power Apps to develop low-code platforms and applications. This hands-on experience with coding opened up a new world of possibilities for her, showcasing the pivotal role technology plays in today’s business landscape.


The week concluded with a celebration that highlighted our company culture. We celebrated our quarterly birthdays, wishing a happy birthday to Vincent, Melissa, and our new team member Ankita. These celebrations highlight our close-knit community and our dedication to recognizing and appreciating our team members. We also extended a warm welcome to Lana, the newest addition to the Illuminance team. Our team is continually growing, and we are excited to see the contributions Lana will bring to our future projects.

To cap off the week, we had cake, and snacks, and enjoyed a lovely afternoon in each other’s company. We also held a small ‘graduation’ ceremony for Evie, who shared a few moving words about how she appreciated this experience and reflected on her future career goals. She expressed her newfound confidence in pursuing anything from administration to development, to marketing, and who knows, she might even become a CEO one day!


Our very own CEO, Nilesh Makwana, handed over a completion certificate along with a gifted Illuminance mug and a copy of his autobiography ‘Terminal 4: An Entrepreneur’s Journey from Bicycle to Business Class’. It was a sincere moment that underscored the value of mentorship and the importance of encouraging young talent.


Hosting Evie was a rewarding experience for everyone at Illuminance Solutions. It reminded us of the importance of mentorship and the impact that hands-on experience can have on a young person’s career aspirations. We learned valuable lessons from this experience and have set a goal to make our future placements even more impactful and beneficial for the students.

We look forward to continuing to offer work placements and internships, and we are excited to see where Evie’s newfound experiences will take her. Thank you, Evie, for spending your week with us, and we wish you all the best in your future endeavours!

Photography: illuminance Solutions

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