Broome training part 1 – Success!

The first Free Digital Literacy training for the Indigenous Australian community in Broome kicked off in the first quarter of 2020. The collaboration between illuminance Solutions and The University of Notre Dame Australia and their Broome Campus teach essential technology skills to contribute to the reduction of the digital literacy divide in the Indigenous Australian community.

International Mother Language Day!

At illuminance Solutions we have a very diverse and multicultural workforce with 19 nationalities, and because of this we are also a multilingual workforce. We have always been a very diverse team. We have age diversity and people with disabilities in addition to many different ethnicities and nationalities. And to celebrate United Nation’s International Mother Language Day 2020, we threw a Language Party!

13 February is World Radio Day!

Radio remains the most widely consumed medium because of its unique ability to reach out the widest audience and World Radio Day was launched by UNESCO in 2012. We have been on air twice talking about diversity and inclusion and how we support closing the digital literacy divide in our Indigenous Australian community.

illuminance Training is going to Broome!

Digital literacy is essential for all Australians, and illuminance Solutions answered to National Reconciliation Week in 2018 with the launch of illuminance Training’s program to teach essential technology skills and an introduction to Microsoft Office 365 software. In February 2020 the first of four training sessions open to all ages in Broome’s Indigenous community will run on-site in collaboration with The University of Notre Dame Australia Broome Campus.

Delivering confidence and sustainability for Indigenous communities

Meenangu Wajarri Aboriginal Corporation (MWAC) came to illuminance Solutions in 2018 in need of a multi-pronged solution. With so many programs to administer and a manual record keeping system MWAC was bogged down and feeling distracted from its true mission. Aboriginal Trust Management System (ATMS) was implemented and MWAC is now looking ahead with confidence.

Looking back on 2019

We are looking back on 2019, a year that have been a very bountiful year for illuminance Solutions. We have been recognised for the work that we do with several awards (global, national and local) and we are very grateful for all that we have received, and for the opportunities that have followed each and every award. We have created new collaborations, formed new partnerships and reached new heights which we would not have believed had it been told to us this time last year.

Turn it up – Interview with Bumma Bippera Media 98.7FM

Bumma Bippera Media 98.7FM spoke with Nilesh on the West Tech Assemblage 2019 that put focus on the digital literacy divide in our Indigenous Australian community and how illuminance Solutions have been working with universities in Western Australia to support the Indigenous Australian people with the right knowledge and even out the levels of digital literacy in our society.

West Tech Assemblage 2019

illuminance Solutions has since early 2018 been holding free training sessions for Indigenous Australian students in collaboration with UniHall (University of Western Australia). When West Tech Assemblage decided to focus their fifth event on the digital literacy divide in the Indigenous community and their inclusion in the tech sector of WA, we simply had to join hands and sponsored the event as a Gold Sponsor.

Collaboration with University of Notre Dame Australia

illuminance Solutions have been running training programs for Indigenous Australians in collaboration with UniHall (UWA) since 2018. The University of Notre Dame Australia have teamed up with us to tackle digital literacy in Broome’s Indigenous community and the training programs will teach people the basics of Microsoft Office programs and will roll out at Notre Dame’s Broome Campus in 2020.

Business Migrant of the Year

Anyone that has made the big decision to move abroad will say that while it is very exciting and a life-changing experience, it also has its challenges. Not only are you maybe leaving family behind, but most definitely you are leaving your friends, connections and relationships, and most likely your language and culture as well. To start a new life on a personal note is one thing, and to start a new life professionally can be another.