Our women in technology

In our skilled and professional team here at illuminance Solutions, we have younger and older staff members. We have multicultural backgrounds and we have a variety in professional and educational backgrounds. And we have ambitious and super talented women. Two of our staff members are currently engaged with Women in Technology WA (WiTWA) where they will be sharing their expertise and professional journeys.

Not one, but two!

2019 seems to be a year that just keeps on giving, and the team at illuminance is again being recognised for their immense efforts and quality work. Earlier this year we received one global award by Microsoft and one WA award for our diverse workforce. Barely back on the ground with both our feet, we have been nominated to more awards.

NDIS providers embrace technology

Technology is assisting disability service providers overcome challenges of the national insurance scheme. With the rollout of the NDIS due to be completed by mid-2020, disability service providers are turning to IT solutions to improve efficiency and make the system more accessible to users.

The Importance of Saying Thank You in Business

No matter where you are right now in your professional journey, there is nothing more important than saying thank you – to your colleagues, clients, family, anyone who has contributed to getting you to where you are today. Never underestimate the power of words, especially when it comes to business.

Award Celebration & Thank You Party

On Wednesday 11 September, we invited to an Award Celebration & Thank You Party in our office, to finally celebrate the award wins and to thank everybody involved in our journey. The official celebration of the Microsoft award was in Las Vegas in July, but our CEO did not feel that it was right to celebrate without all the people that made our success possible.

Why winning awards is like a Ninja Warrior episode

There’s no denying that winning awards bring some benefits; recognition on an international stage, news coverage, increased brand awareness and perhaps a competitive advantage. But just because you’ve won some awards does not mean life is about to get easy – your Ninja Warrior journey is far from over.

Making more possible

We are half way in to 2019 now, and after finalising our EOFY and everything that includes, we have some time to reflect over the events and happenings of 2019. The last six months has been extremely eventful and we are amazed over how much we have achieved!

Illuminance Solutions is awarded for our diversity!

We have always been a very diverse team, with age diversity and people with disabilities in addition to many different ethnicities and nationalities. This week, on Tuesday 25th June, we received the Rising Star 2019 Award for Diversity in the beautiful Government House Ballroom!

Illuminance Solutions wins global tech award

The global Microsoft Partner of the Year Awards aim to recognise those Microsoft partners who have demonstrated excellence in innovation and implementation of customer solutions based on Microsoft technology. On 7 June it was announced that Illuminance Solutions won the first ever Partner for Social Impact Award.

Innovation Space to drive professional development

To kick off the new Innovation Space at University Hall (UWA), two influential members of the Perth business community was invited to share their professional journeys. Gordon Flake and Nilesh Makwana captivated the audience with their insight and their advise to the young and ambitious students.