We are half way in to 2019 now, and after finalising our EOFY and everything that includes, we have some time to reflect over the events and happenings of 2019. The last six months has been extremely eventful and we are amazed over how much we have achieved!
June 2019 will surely go into our history books as the Month of Awards. First we were awarded the 2019 Microsoft Global Partner of the Year – Partner for Social Impact, being the very first Partner for Social Impact ever, and just two weeks later we received the Rising Star Award 2019 – Diversity!
Microsoft Managed Partner
Technology can be a powerful tool to help solve the world’s most challenging issues, and it can enable nonprofit organisations to be more productive and more innovative. Microsoft recognise the work the Illuminance Solutions is doing to drive social impact, and not only did we receive the Partner for Social Impact 2019 award, Illuminance Solutions is now also a Microsoft Managed Partner!
The partnership puts us in an even better position to carry out our vision and mission, and we are very excited to closely work with Microsoft in the coming year.

Industry engagements
AvantCare is a client and services management platform that we developed in collaboration with several organisations in addition to Microsoft. We received Microsoft Cloud for Global Good support to see through both the development of the platform as well as continue our mission to improve people’s lives and daily operations with technology. Since the initial conversations around the new NDIS reform, we have been striving to create the best solution possible to support the care provider and disability services sector, and recently we participated in the NDS Quality & Safeguarding Virtual Conference, a one day virtual conference for the disability sector. We set up our virtual booth and spent the day talking to people allover Australia in chatrooms, and listening in to the keynote speakers. What an amazing way to attend a conference! Technology surely provides efficient solutions, and with a dash of creativity added to the mix there’s really no limits to what we can do.

Our CEO and Principal Consultant has been invited to several speaking engagements, and even gave a radio interview speaking about our value-driven way of operating, our CEO gave an interview in Visability Radio on Demand not too long ago. Click the image below to listen to the Visibility Radio on Demand episode; “What makes for a great work environment?”
Illuminance Training collaborated with University Hall to give a one-day course; “Office 365 in the Workplace” to a group of Aboriginal and Torres Islander youth currently studying at the university. The training and unique collaboration aims to equip the youth with essential job-readiness skills in current technology designed to assist in organising information, collaborating and communicating, thus improving personal and professional productivity. Click the image to read more!

Staff fun!
At Illuminance, we recognise the hard work all our team members are putting in to make the business what it is today, and in between all that is happening we some times gather up for Game Nights, CEO luncheons and celebrating birthdays.

Talk to us about how to improve your customer service, optimise your resources and use technology to deliver innovative solutions.