How many course topics does Terranova offer?
Over 140 topics are offered. We have a wide selection of courses covering security, privacy, governance and compliance and more.
How long are the courses and what types of activities are included?
Information Security Awareness Courses (ISA) are typically 5-7 minutes in length and include videos, learning activities, best practices and evaluation.
Microlearning modules are typically 2-3 minutes in length. These micro-courses are excellent reinforcement tools that can be used throughout the year to improve end-user skills and provide just-in-time (JIT) training to your employees who probably need more help. These Microlearning modules are linked to specific learning objectives or concepts and come with an anonymous option.
Nanolearning modules typically last between 1 and 2 minutes and consist of a single page. These nano-courses in executive folder format are excellent reinforcement tools that can be used throughout the year to improve end-users’ skills and provide just-in-time training.
Phishing Simulation, provides in-depth training to help end-users manage email. Provides random scenarios with different email senders to provide a simulation of real-life phishing.
How often is your content updated?
Courses are updated regularly with new training on a monthly or shift basis + feature updates and additional scenarios.
How many languages are available?
We have over 40 different languages available that include text, sound and narration.
Do you provide course completion certificates?
Yes, you can easily register, manage, monitor and certify participants in an information security training program.
Do you provide reports?
Training program metrics can be tracked (participation rates, time to completion, pass/fail statistics, etc.).
Phishing Platform reporting features – we provide advanced reporting with detailed dashboards and customisable reports. Campaigns can be viewed in real-time results. The reports contain information on the following key data:
- percentage of users who reported
- did not open the email
- opened only the email
- viewed images
- clicked on links
- opened attachments, or filled out forms
- the day and time of these actions.
Can I use my own LMS?
Can the courses be customised?
We provide a relevant and up-to-date library of interactive security awareness topics, which can be used as is and/or customised. The courses can be fully customised and tailored to your needs which may include:
- customisable content
- branding
- image changes, or;
- adapted to your own security policies.
What type of files does your system support?
Can you purchase only the Phishing Simulation Platform?
Yes, in short, but it is not recommended. Our phishing simulation solution is fully integrated with our Cyber Security Awareness Platform. As phishing attacks are becoming more and more sophisticated and highly targeted, an anti-phishing e-mail is not effective enough on its own. It should be part of the continuous learning objective of a comprehensive security awareness training campaign that will eliminate risk behaviors and exposure.
What are your technical support hours?
We guarantee the availability of the phishing platform 24/7 (99.9%).
Terranova will be supported during business hours (weekdays from 8:30 am to 5:00 pm GMT) by phone or email. The customer can create a support request by e-mail or telephone.